jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Walking new paths

Last August I was in my previous job's bench, I had just finished my assignment in an e-commerce project for an apparel company. 

It seemed to be just like any other bench time I had, not much to do, working on some improvements to internal company documentation, trying to learn about new frameworks, but suddenly on Aug 12th I opened my twitter feed, and saw some testing folks tweeting about this session

I had already heard about James Bach, but hadn't really read about his testing philosophy, knew he is a respected member of the testing community, so I started following the thread, that's how I first learned about Context-Driven testing.

I kept following the conference and became fascinated with it, so I started reading and reading and then it was like a sudden realization moment, I wanted to be part of it, I wanted to start trying to do things in a different way I had been doing before.

Later that month, everything lined up perfectly so I could join my current company, they needed a Test engineer that could come aboard and set up the company's test practice.

This blog is going to serve as a log for my memories of this new stage of my career where I'm trying to test differently and better than ever before along with my memories in my attempt to become a speaker for testing conferences and sharing my knowledge and the Context-Driven testing approach with the testing community and last but not least, try to become a blogger.

Hope You'll like the content of this blog. 

More entries coming soon.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi,

    I read both of your article and found it interesting.
    Would like to gain some knowledge from your experience.

    At your new job, you are required to set up the company's test practice, can you please elaborate on your approach

    Will you be able to share any email id where I can reach you

    1. Hi Monika

      Can you ping me on twitter? https://twitter.com/pgonzalezr

      I can share my email address with you via DM there
